BeadSmith flex-rite® bead stringing wire - (.014in diameter or . 018in diameter) nylon-coated stainless steel micro beading wire cord - Made in Japan -strong, multi-wire twisted metal cable for bead stringing Flex-rite® beading wire uses state of the art micro-wire technology to produce a beading wire that is strong, soft and flexible. This cable is also Nylon-coated for durability. Flex-rite® comes in different diameter thicknesses and different color finishes for your designing needs. It is also available with different amounts of strands, for added durability and flexibility. CHOOSE SIZE (thickness & # of strands) .014" 0.35mm thickness .018" 0.45mm thickness 21 STRAND - Pro quality/ flexible - (only available in clear) ** 49 STRAND - Premium quality/ ** most flexible CHOOSE COLOR ``` ROSE GOLD ``` CLEAR (stainless steel) ``` BRONZE LENGTH - 30 foot spool Made in Japan *** PACKAGING: Please write a quick order note if you prefer each lot be packaged separately by bead amount. * For example: 3 x (10 grams) all the same bead ~ each packaged in individual 10 gram bags. In an effort to cut down on plastic bag usage, I often package the same item together in one bag. Each individual line item will be packaged separately with labels to keep the different beads organized. Everything will be bubble wrapped well and shipped in a padded envelope or box for larger orders.